
Michael Markus

Michael Markus

Lumps, Bumps & Body Slams was Michael Markus' first published novel, over thirty years ago through Scholastic and was a very successful release throughout Canada. He has revised and updated the book for a paperback and Kindle re-release.

With writing partner, Tim Stubinski, he wrote the screenplay for the award winning film, “If I Had Wings” produced by Really Real productions in Vancouver. With that same company they produced a television pilot for APTN, "Wolf Canyon", that starred Kevin Sorbo and Lorne Cardinal among others.

His novel, “East of Mourning”, is also still available on Amazon and he is working on releasing several more of his previous and new titles.

Due to the popularity of the "If I Had Wings" movie he has now re-issued his novella of the same name and it is available on Amazon and all the other major ebook platforms.

Michael has just released, "Through the Mirror" which is the first episode of the fantasy series, Devin Green Eyes: The Lost Son of the Bow.

With his writing partner Madeline Hombert, Michael has completed a feature holiday screenplay THE CHRISTMAS CON that is receiving positive attention. Their project  “Made of Honour” recently won First Place at the WKRN Festival for an unproduced screenplay. Their project “Boardgames” placed Second in the same competition.